Field Hockey
Registration Info:
You can sign up individual or as a team, through IMLeagues.
Click "Here" for directions on how to register. 
You will sign up to play in one league, Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur.
League Info:
This is a regular sports league. Teams will register and be placed onto a game schedule
Games will be played Monday-Thursday between 5-8:00pm at night depending on number of teams and space availability.
Equipment will be provided to those students that may need it.
All participants must sign waiver/liability form.
Games will be played outside (upper campus recreation fields).
Equipment will be supplied to those who do not have their own.
Play begins September 15th, 2014 for the Fall Season
Team/Player Info:
VARSITY, FORMER VARSITY TEAM MEMBERS: A varsity squad member is any individual participating in intercollegiate contests attending regular practice, whose name appears on the official squad list, or who has won a letter at a recognized senior college. The active squad rosters on the date of the first varsity contest shall be used to determine intramural eligibility. Interpretations: Included as a varsity squad member are red shirts, junior varsity players, and freshmen. Anyone who works out with an intercollegiate team and/or retains a locker and equipment is also ineligible for the same or "like" sport. Any student receiving athletic grant-in-aid assistance shall be ineligible to compete in intramurals in the same or "like" sport responsible for such assistance. Once considered a varsity squad member, you are one for the entire school year unless you have been dropped from the squad list and are no longer playing or practicing with the team. You must drop before the second intercollegiate contest for varsity members or before the second junior varsity contest for junior varsity players. Former Varsity letter or award winners at this or any other four-year collegiate institution must wait one full year from the date the letter was received to be eligible to participate in the same or "like" sport.
Any full time undergraduate or graduate BU student and faculty/staff with a membership to the SRC are eligible to play.
All players must bring their BU ID to play every week. NO CARD, NO PLAY.
IM Rules:
Check out the IM General Rules
Check out Field Hockey Rules